Getting Started

Katana can be used in a number of different ways. It was designed first as a framework which is importable into other projects, however it provides a built-in interface in the form of a REPL.

Using the REPL

The Katana REPL is available by simply running the Katana module or through the setuptools script:

# Run as a python module
python -m katana ...
# Or using the bundled setuptools script
katana ...

The REPL provides all the features of the Katana module plus some extras, and is implemented using the cmd2 Python module. All commands are documented within the REPL itself, and the you can find the most up to date help by running the help command from within the interpreter. At the time of writing, the following runtime arguments may be supplied:

usage: katana [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--manager MANAGER] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
          [--auto] [--unit UNIT] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--flag FLAG]
          [--force] [--apktool APKTOOL] [--md5 MD5] [--affine AFFINE]
          [--atbash ATBASH] [--caesar CAESAR] [--caesar255 CAESAR255]
          [--dna DNA] [--phonetic PHONETIC] [--polybius POLYBIUS]
          [--quipqiup QUIPQIUP] [--railfence RAILFENCE]
          [--reverse REVERSE] [--rot47 ROT47] [--rsa RSA] [--t9 T9]
          [--vigenere VIGENERE] [--xor XOR] [--brainfuck BRAINFUCK]
          [--cow COW] [--jsfuck JSFUCK] [--malbolge MALBOLGE] [--ook OOK]
          [--piet PIET] [--pikalang PIKALANG] [--binwalk BINWALK]
          [--foremost FOREMOST] [--gunzip GUNZIP] [--tesseract TESSERACT]
          [--tcpflow TCPFLOW] [--pdf2text PDF2TEXT] [--pdfcrack PDFCRACK]
          [--pdfimages PDFIMAGES] [--pdfinfo PDFINFO] [--ascii85 ASCII85]
          [--base32 BASE32] [--base58 BASE58] [--base64 BASE64]
          [--base85 BASE85] [--exiftool EXIFTOOL] [--morsecode MORSECODE]
          [--qrcode QRCODE] [--strings STRINGS] [--unbinary UNBINARY]
          [--undecimal UNDECIMAL] [--unhexlify UNHEXLIFY]
          [--urldecode URLDECODE] [--audio_spectrogram AUDIO_SPECTROGRAM]
          [--dtmf_decode DTMF_DECODE] [--jsteg JSTEG] [--snow SNOW]
          [--steghide STEGHIDE] [--stegsnow STEGSNOW]
          [--stegsolve STEGSOLVE] [--whitespace WHITESPACE]
          [--zsteg ZSTEG] [--extract EXTRACT]
          [--basic_img_shell BASIC_IMG_SHELL]
          [--basic_nosqli BASIC_NOSQLI] [--basic_sqli BASIC_SQLI]
          [--cookies COOKIES] [--form_submit FORM_SUBMIT] [--git GIT]
          [--logon_cookies LOGON_COOKIES] [--robots ROBOTS]
          [--spider SPIDER] [--unzip UNZIP]
          [targets [targets ...]]

Automatically identify and solve basic Capture the Flag challenges

positional arguments:
  targets               targets to evaluate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        configuration file
  --manager MANAGER, -m MANAGER
                        comma separated manager configurations (e.g. flag-
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        timeout for all unit evaluations in seconds
  --auto, -a            shorthand for `-m auto=True`
  --unit UNIT, -u UNIT  explicitly run a unit on target
  --exclude EXCLUDE, -e EXCLUDE
                        exclude a unit from running
  --flag FLAG, -f FLAG  set the flag format
  --force               Force execution even if results directory exists
  --apktool APKTOOL     comma separated unit configuration
  --md5 MD5             comma separated unit configuration
  --affine AFFINE       comma separated unit configuration
  --atbash ATBASH       comma separated unit configuration
  --caesar CAESAR       comma separated unit configuration
  --caesar255 CAESAR255
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --dna DNA             comma separated unit configuration
  --phonetic PHONETIC   comma separated unit configuration
  --polybius POLYBIUS   comma separated unit configuration
  --quipqiup QUIPQIUP   comma separated unit configuration
  --railfence RAILFENCE
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --reverse REVERSE     comma separated unit configuration
  --rot47 ROT47         comma separated unit configuration
  --rsa RSA             comma separated unit configuration
  --t9 T9               comma separated unit configuration
  --vigenere VIGENERE   comma separated unit configuration
  --xor XOR             comma separated unit configuration
  --brainfuck BRAINFUCK
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --cow COW             comma separated unit configuration
  --jsfuck JSFUCK       comma separated unit configuration
  --malbolge MALBOLGE   comma separated unit configuration
  --ook OOK             comma separated unit configuration
  --piet PIET           comma separated unit configuration
  --pikalang PIKALANG   comma separated unit configuration
  --binwalk BINWALK     comma separated unit configuration
  --foremost FOREMOST   comma separated unit configuration
  --gunzip GUNZIP       comma separated unit configuration
  --tesseract TESSERACT
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --tcpflow TCPFLOW     comma separated unit configuration
  --pdf2text PDF2TEXT   comma separated unit configuration
  --pdfcrack PDFCRACK   comma separated unit configuration
  --pdfimages PDFIMAGES
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --pdfinfo PDFINFO     comma separated unit configuration
  --ascii85 ASCII85     comma separated unit configuration
  --base32 BASE32       comma separated unit configuration
  --base58 BASE58       comma separated unit configuration
  --base64 BASE64       comma separated unit configuration
  --base85 BASE85       comma separated unit configuration
  --exiftool EXIFTOOL   comma separated unit configuration
  --morsecode MORSECODE
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --qrcode QRCODE       comma separated unit configuration
  --strings STRINGS     comma separated unit configuration
  --unbinary UNBINARY   comma separated unit configuration
  --undecimal UNDECIMAL
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --unhexlify UNHEXLIFY
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --urldecode URLDECODE
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --audio_spectrogram AUDIO_SPECTROGRAM
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --dtmf_decode DTMF_DECODE
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --jsteg JSTEG         comma separated unit configuration
  --snow SNOW           comma separated unit configuration
  --steghide STEGHIDE   comma separated unit configuration
  --stegsnow STEGSNOW   comma separated unit configuration
  --stegsolve STEGSOLVE
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --whitespace WHITESPACE
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --zsteg ZSTEG         comma separated unit configuration
  --extract EXTRACT     comma separated unit configuration
  --basic_img_shell BASIC_IMG_SHELL
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --basic_nosqli BASIC_NOSQLI
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --basic_sqli BASIC_SQLI
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --cookies COOKIES     comma separated unit configuration
  --form_submit FORM_SUBMIT
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --git GIT             comma separated unit configuration
  --logon_cookies LOGON_COOKIES
                        comma separated unit configuration
  --robots ROBOTS       comma separated unit configuration
  --spider SPIDER       comma separated unit configuration
  --unzip UNZIP         comma separated unit configuration


Configuration parameters can either be set in an .ini file or at runtime via the set command. Configuration files are parsed using the built-in Python configparser module. The most important section is the manager section, which defines a few key parameters:

# Flag format REGEX
# Output directory

Other parameters can be seen by running set manager at the katana prompt to receive a listing of the values currently set at runtime. When using the set command, parameters are specified with their fully qualified section/parameter name like so:

set manager[flag-format] NEWFLAG{.*?}

If the section name is not specified, a default value is added which will be used for any subsequent sections which request that value. This is particularly useful for a configuration such as dict, which can be specified once and will then apply to all units which require a dictionary like so:

set dict /path/to/rockyou.txt

You can also override the dictionary of a specific unit by specifying the unit as the section name:

set steghide[dict] /path/to/different/dict.txt

Evaluating Targets

The target command is used to view, start, and stop target evaluation. The target add sub-command will queue a target to begin analysis. The target specified can be a path name, URL, or raw data. Katana will create an abstract Target object and deduce the type of data passed to in intelligently:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ target add --help
Usage: target add [-h] target [...]

positional arguments:
  target      the target to evaluate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ target add ./tests/cases/orchestra
[+] ./tests/cases/orchestra: queuing target

After adding a target, you can view the progress of all targets with the target list command:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ target list --help
Usage: list [-h] [--completed] [--running] [--all] [--flags]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --completed, -c  Display only completed targets
  --running, -r    Display only running targets
  --all, -a        Display all targets (running/completed)
  --flags, -f      D`

➜ katana - running - 0 units queued
➜ target list

./tests/cases/orchestra - completed
 hash: 2f0a02add67b58de837c7be054ae9e77
 flag: JHDCTF{strings}

When a target locates a flag, it will produce an asynchronous message to the screen identifying the unit and the flag which was found. The flag will also be copied to the primary clipboard:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ target ad
strings(./tests/cases/orchestra) - completed!
  JHDCTF{strings} - (copied)
katana - running - 0 units queued
➜ target ad

After a target has located flag(s), you can view the solution path for a target using the target solution command:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ target solution -r ./tests/cases/evil_ducky.jpg
steghide(./tests/cases/evil_ducky.jpg) ➜
  strings(./results/60959e0ca0e4a202fd928c50f49a34fb/steghide/dGlua2Vy) ➜
   JHDCTF{we_finally_found_the_the_flag} - (copied)

Monitoring Directories

The Katana REPL has the ability to utilize the watchdog Python module to monitor a directory or list of directories for new files and queue them for evaluation automatically. The allows you to start a Katana for a CTF, and then simply download interesting targets to a directory, checking periodically for flags or hung targets. The monitor command can be used to add, remove, and list monitored directories:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ monitor --help
Usage: monitor [-h] {list, ls, l, remove, rm, r, add, a} ...

Begin monitoring the given directory and automatically queue new targets as they are created.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  {list, ls, l, remove, rm, r, add, a}
    remove (rm, r)      remove a monitored directory
    add (a)             begin monitoring a new directory

CTFd Integration

The Katana REPL has support to integrate with CTFd platforms. This integration includes the following:

  • List challenges
  • View challenge details (including solve state)
  • Queue challenge (attached files and/or description)
  • Automatically submit flags

This functionality is exposed through the ctfd command. All ctfd functions depend on a new configuration section named ctfd:


After you specify these configuration items, you can use the ctfd list command to list available challenges. The list is ordered from lowest-to-highest value, with solved challenges placed at the bottom. If your terminal supports extended escape sequences, solved challenges will be “dim” and struck-through:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ set ctfd
url =
username = User01
password = password

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ ctfd list
ID Title      Points
1  Orchestra  25

The ctfd show command will show the details of a given challenge ID:

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ ctfd show 1
Orchestra - 25 points - solved

 It's music to my ears!

  - orchestra

To queue a challenge for evaluation, you can use the ctfd queue command. By default, this command only queues attached files. To also queue the description of the challenge for evaluation, use the --description/-d flag. It will also check that the given challenge is not already solved (although this can be bypassed with the --force flag):

katana - waiting - 0 units queued
➜ ctfd queue --force 1
[+] ctfd: queuing

strings( - completed!
  JHDCTF{there_is_no_orchestra_without_the_strings} - (copied)

[+] ctfd: correct flag for challenge 1

In this case, automatic flag submission was turned on, and the flag was automatically submitted upon completion to CTFd. The updated solved state will be visible immediately in both ctfd list and ctfd show.