katana.units.raw.qrcode — Run zbarimg

Scan QR codes

This unit works with the pyzbar module in Python, which is necessary for it to run.

This unit inherits from the katana.unit.FileUnit to ensure that the target is in fact an image file.

class katana.units.raw.qrcode.Unit(manager: katana.manager.Manager, target: katana.target.Target)

Bases: katana.unit.FileUnit

GROUPS = ['raw', 'decode', 'qrcode', 'scan']

These are “tags” for a unit. Considering it is a Raw unit, “raw” is included, as well as the tag “decode”, “scan”, and the unit name “qrcode”.


Priority works with 0 being the highest priority, and 100 being the lowest priority. 50 is the default priorty. This unit has a moderate priority.

evaluate(case: Any)

Evaluate the target. Scan the target with pyzbar and recurse on any new found information.

Parameters:match – A match returned by the RegexUnit.
Returns:None. This function should not return any data.